>>>>> On Wed, 04 Nov 2009 11:29:51 +0100, Jan-Kees van Andel <jankeesvanandel_at_gmail.com> said:
JA> That's true. I only added the code snippet for clarification.
JA> Whether or not this will be picked up in a more generic way doesn't
JA> matter that much to me.
JA> But before "overdesiging" this, it might be useful to think of other
JA> use cases besides the one in the original issue. It would not be the
JA> first "too generic" API in Java.
JA> With only one use case (the one posted), I think a simple utility
JA> class will probably work fine.
Of course. One use case is not enough, but there are others already.
For example, is EL 1.3 available?
I've filed an issue for this.
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