On 10/12/09 12:40 PM, Lincoln Baxter, III wrote:
> Just curious. Does this include the Validator fix? If so, I'll start
> testing immediately. (Today's story is getting Validations working...
> can you tell? ;)
Yes it does.
> http://scrumshark.com/project/ScrumShark/s39
> (This is entirely JSF2 & PrettyFaces)
> --Lincoln
> On Mon, 2009-10-12 at 12:32 -0700, Ryan Lubke wrote:
>> See:
>> https://javaserverfaces.dev.java.net/servlets/NewsItemView?newsItemID=7725
>> The bits should be available on the java.net maven 2 repository
>> shortly. Use 2.0.0-b22
>> as the version to obtain the appropriate build.
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> --
> *Lincoln Baxter, III*
> Co-Founder of OcpSoft <http://ocpsoft.com>
> Creator of:
> PrettyFaces <http://ocpsoft.com/prettyfaces>: URL rewriting for JSF
> PrettyTime <http://ocpsoft.com/prettytime>: Java elapsed timestamp
> formatting