Re: More incomplete javadoc ?

From: Leonardo Uribe <>
Date: Tue, 27 Oct 2009 21:23:04 -0500


Maybe all this mail should be send to other place, but since we are taking
about incomplete javadoc in jsf 2.0, this info will be helpful.

I sended looooooooong time ago a mail about processDecodes and
processValidators does not mention that this methods publish
Pre/PostValidateEvent like black box test (and a lot of common sense) says.
Does anybody knows what happened to this one?. Most of my mails sended to
jsr-314-comments list were answered, but I don't know if anybody read the
latest one. I reproduce it below:

*Checking the spec section, it says this:

**"...EditableValueHolder is a source of ValueChangeEvent, PreValidateEvent
and PostValidate events. These are emitted during calls to validate(), which
happens during the Process Validations phase of the request processing
lifecycle. The PreValidateEvent is published immediately before the
component gets validated. PostValidate is published after validation has
occurred, regardless if the validation was successful or not. If the
validation for the component did pass successfully, and the previous value
of this component differs from the current value, the ValueChangeEvent is

If the text is taken literally, we should call them inside validate() method
(myfaces is doing this right now), but the common sense says we should
publish this events from outside ( UIInput.processDecodes() and
UIInput.processValidators() ) because if we override validate() method, the
event publishing just get lost.

The javadoc should mention on UIInput.processDecodes(),
UIInput.processValidators() or UIInput.validate() that those listeners
should be called from there.
I sended other mails that were forwarded to jsr-314 open list, but I don't
know what happened with those ones:

- [jsf 2.0] PostRestoreStateEvent called more that once for components
inside UIData instances (h:dataTable) (This one is only for information
- h:outputScript target="head" is rendered in body when partial state saving
is used and there is a postback (In myfaces we created a event
implementation-specific called PostBuildComponentTreeOnRestoreViewEvent to
deal with this problem)

Also, long time ago it was asked if composite:clientBehavior exists or not
(on ri using facelets exists, but the javadoc does not mention it and by
that reason BehaviorHolderAttachedObjectHandler / Target becomes useless).
It could be good to have some response about this.

All these issues are against the spec, but I don't know if some bug is
raised on javaserverfaces dev list, so better to mention it here.


Leonardo Uribe

2009/10/27 Matthias Wessendorf <>

> done:
> On Tue, Oct 27, 2009 at 2:23 PM, <> wrote:
> > IMO. File the bug.
> > ------Original Message------
> > From: Matthias Wessendorf
> > Sender:
> > To:
> > ReplyTo:
> > Subject: More incomplete javadoc ?
> > Sent: Oct 27, 2009 17:11
> >
> > UIComponent.processValidators() doesn't talk about popComponentFromEL...
> > which (IMO) doesn't make sense.
> >
> > Do you want a bug for that as well ?
> > For Trinidad I am calling it, and for myfaces I will change it.
> >
> > No: spec doesn't say much as well ;-)
> >
> > --
> > Matthias Wessendorf
> >
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