Re: How f:param encoding should be for h:commandLink

From: Jim Driscoll <Jim.Driscoll_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 12 Oct 2009 08:53:58 -0700

Still not seeing it. But isn't the easy answer to strip the \n char in
the bean getter? Why not just do that?


On 10/12/09 8:32 AM, Ravizzz wrote:
> Hello again,
> for some reason "f:param" did not display.
> what i am trying is ""
> Also, IE browser just displays a message saying unterminated string constant
> when i try to get values from row.text as above.
> regards,
> Ravi
> Ravizzz wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have one issue related to this topic.
>> When I use
>> The page does not get rendered, if the value i am retrieving for row.text
>> is having a new line character. i understand that we should avoid passing
>> values which has "\n" character, however Customer is having legacy data
>> which has "\n" which is been retrieved.
>> Is there a way where I can render data which is having \n character in
>> row.text?
>> Please note this is with Trinidad JSF. Hence commandLink is tr:commandLink
>> Regards,
>> Ravi
>> Leonardo Uribe wrote:
>>> Hi
>>> Looking on the jsf tld documentation (1.1 and 1.2), it says something
>>> like
>>> this (for h:commandLink):
>>> "............The name and the value (of UIParameter child components)
>>> must
>>> be URLEncoded.......".
>>> It says the same as h:outputLink.
>>> Testing on jsf ri 1.2_09 for example a<f:param name="paramName"
>>> value="modalità">
>>> Is added on commandLink javascript as:
>>> if(typeof jsfcljs ==
>>> 'function'){jsfcljs(document.getElementById('mainForm'),{'mainForm:link':'mainForm:link','paramName':'modalit&agrave;'},'');}return
>>> false
>>> This behavior suggest that no URLEncoding is used for f:param inside
>>> h:commandLink (instead the encoding used by
>>> ResponseWriter.writeAttribute).
>>> Is this the correct behavior? The tld api doc is wrong?
>>> regards
>>> Leonardo Uribe