Can someone from the dev team please update the "building" section of
the FAQ with appropriate information from this email?
>>>>> On Sun, 30 Aug 2009 13:29:31 -0400, "Lincoln Baxter, III" <> said:
LB> Were you asking me to take ownership, or stating that you were?
LB> If the former, let me know how to get started and I'll do my best.
No, I wasn't asking you, but you're welcome to do so. It looks like
you've already started.
I've granted you svn acces, if you don't have it already.
Here's the easiest way to do it.
1. install glassfishv3.
admin userid: admin
admin password: adminadmin
2. check out mojarra
svn checkout mojarra-HEAD
3. edit mojarra-HEAD/
container.home= place where you installed glassfishv3
4. cd mojarra-HEAD
ant main container.deploy
This'll download a bunch of crap, build mojarra, and install it into
your glassfishV3.
5. Verify it's there.
cd <glassfish-home>/bin
./asadmin start-domain domain1
tail -f ../domains/domain1/logs/server.log
6. Deploy a war
./asadmin deploy --user admin path-to-war.war
look in the log for an entry
INFO: Initialize Mojarra 2.0.0 (SNAPSHOT TODAYS_DATE) for context 'your
If the date is today's date, then you know you have successfully
deployed mojarra to your glassfish.
Now as far as fixing this bug, here are some tips.
* Edit
- Add a "method" ivar, type TagAttribute, similar to the binding ivar.
- In the ctor, initialize the method ivar the same way the binding ivar is
- Edit applyAttachedObject().
You might want to add functionality to the LazyActionListener inner
class. Make it so it just calls the MethodExpression.
In any case, you need to add an ActionListener to the component,
that's the point of the applyAttachedObject() method.
* Do the same thing for in the same
There you go!
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