Hi Ryan,
I've already attached proposed patches (based on facelets 1.1.14) on those issues.
I'll gladly contribute the patches against the new codebase. Should I attach them to the original issue or should I attach them to a new issue in the javaserverfaces project?
Maybe a "facelets" category could be added to the javaserverfaces issuetracker...
José Freire
Consulting - Financial Services Industry
Deloitte Consultores, S.A.
Deloitte | Edifício Atrium Saldanha, Praça Duque de Saldanha, 1 - 7º, 1050-094 Lisboa, Portugal
Tel/Direct: +(351) 210 422 500 | Fax: +(351) 210 422 950
jfreire_at_deloitte.pt | www.deloitte.pt
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From: Ryan.Lubke_at_Sun.COM [mailto:Ryan.Lubke_at_Sun.COM]
Sent: terça-feira, 21 de Julho de 2009 18:49
To: dev_at_javaserverfaces.dev.java.net
Subject: Re: Facelets Maintenance
On 7/21/09 10:41 AM, Freire, Jose Luis (PT - Lisbon) wrote:
Hi Kito,
What is going to happen to the open issues in the facelets project? Are they going to be reviewed before attempting a G.A. release of JSF 2.0?
Yes, we're reviewing and fixing some of the issues including backporting them to the facelets source repository.
There are some really serious bugs, like
https://facelets.dev.java.net/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=349 that changes the data of a form without the user knowledge, or
https://facelets.dev.java.net/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=353 that doesn't allow you to add an item to the beginning of a List when you manually set the IDs for your components.
I'm aware of the issues, but haven't had time to get to them. If you can contribute patches based on our source base we can move on the issues faster.
José Freire
Consulting - Financial Services Industry
Deloitte Consultores, S.A.
Deloitte | Edifício Atrium Saldanha, Praça Duque de Saldanha, 1 - 7º, 1050-094 Lisboa, Portugal
Tel/Direct: +(351) 210 422 500 | Fax: +(351) 210 422 950
jfreire@deloitte.pt<mailto:jfreire@deloitte.pt> | www.deloitte.pt<
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From: Kito Mann [mailto:kito.mann_at_virtua.com]
Sent: terça-feira, 21 de Julho de 2009 16:28
To: dev_at_javaserverfaces.dev.java.net<mailto:dev_at_javaserverfaces.dev.java.net>
Subject: Re: Facelets Maintenance
Hello Jose,
I think you can expect very little activity in the existing Facelets project going forward, since it's now part of JSF 2.0. Both Mojarra and MyFaces include JSF 2.0 Facelets support derived from the same code base. So, going forward, Facelets will be maintained as part of each implementation.
Kito D. Mann -- Author, JavaServer Faces in Action
http://twitter.com/kito99 http://twitter.com/jsfcentral
http://www.virtua.com - JSF/Java EE consulting, training, and mentoring
http://www.JSFCentral.com - JavaServer Faces FAQ, news, and info
+1 203-404-4848 x3
On Tue, Jul 21, 2009 at 7:17 AM, Freire, Jose Luis (PT - Lisbon) <jfreire_at_deloitte.pt<mailto:jfreire_at_deloitte.pt>> wrote:
I've sent this email in the facelets dev mailing list, but I've got no answer, so I'm reposting here:
Both stable version (1.1.14) and the latest beta are more than one year old.
There are 141 open issues, some very serious (some with proposed patches) that are yet to be considered.
What are the plans for facelets and those issues?
And now that facelets is part of JSF 2.0 distribution, is facelets going to be maintained by the JSF-RI team? Will it still be a separate project?
José Freire
Consulting - Financial Services Industry
Deloitte Consultores, S.A.
Deloitte | Edifício Atrium Saldanha, Praça Duque de Saldanha, 1 - 7º, 1050-094 Lisboa, Portugal
Tel/Direct: +(351) 210 422 500 | Fax: +(351) 210 422 950
jfreire@deloitte.pt<mailto:jfreire@deloitte.pt> | www.deloitte.pt<http://www.deloitte.pt>
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