On 4/27/09 4:47 AM, Martin Kočí wrote:
> Hi,
> there is a issue with current Mojarra and precompiled JSPs: class
> JspViewHandlingStrategy does a resource check at line 287:
> if (extContext.getResource(requestURI) == null) {
> if (!extContext.isResponseCommitted()) {
> extContext.responseSendError(404, requestURI + " not
> found");
> }
> return true;
> }
> but if JSPs are precompiled and not included in .war the result of the
> response is 404.
> A workaround is leaving JSPs in .war. That resource check was not
> present in 1.2_XY version. What is the right solution for this issue?
> Thanks,
> Martin
This appears to be an issue caused by the fix for 1001.
Please log an issue to track this.
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