Re: Components opting into attributesThatAreSet feature

From: Ryan Lubke <Ryan.Lubke_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 05 Feb 2009 11:48:33 -0800

Mark Collette wrote:
> Yes, you're right, it shouldn't be static. I guess with the JSF jars
> increasingly being moved from the WAR to a common directory of the app
> server, the classloading ramifications are that static fields are not
> private to a webapp anymore? Or does the classloader still segregate
> the JSF classes?
I can't speak to other app servers, but as far as JSF class instances in
GF are concerned, they are shared.
> - Mark
> Ryan Lubke wrote:
>> Mark Collette wrote:
>>> This task has languished on our end because the scope of necessary
>>> changes, to every single component's state saving, both in Mojarra
>>> and in our suite, is a little too large. Hopefully a simpler
>>> approach might be sufficient. I was wondering if it would be
>>> possible to just set a context-param, that would globally enable use
>>> of attributesThatAreSet. Applications could turn it on if the
>>> components they used would benefit from it, and could turn it off if
>>> the state savings cost was too great. Regardless of the
>>> context-param, the standard components would behave as they already
>>> do. And in fact, if the context-param was true, it would run ever so
>>> slightly faster, since it wouldn't have to do the string test on the
>>> class name.
>> One problem I see with the suggestion is:
>> private static boolean ALLOW_ALL_USE_ATTRIBUTES_THAT_ARE_SET = ...;
>> If the class is shared across all webapps, then the value assigned there
>> is shared by all of them. I don't think that behavior is desirable.
>> It should
>> be per-webapp.
>>> public abstract class UIComponent implements StateHolder {
>>> // Old way
>>> List<String> getAttributesThatAreSet(boolean create) {
>>> String name = this.getClass().getName();
>>> if (name != null && name.startsWith(OPTIMIZED_PACKAGE)) {
>>> if (create && attributesThatAreSet == null) {
>>> attributesThatAreSet = new ArrayList<String>(6);
>>> }
>>> }
>>> return attributesThatAreSet;
>>> }
>>> // New way
>>> private static boolean ALLOW_ALL_USE_ATTRIBUTES_THAT_ARE_SET = ...;
>>> List<String> getAttributesThatAreSet(boolean create) {
>>> if (create && attributesThatAreSet == null) {
>>> String name;
>>> ((name = this.getClass().getName()) != null &&
>>> name.startsWith(OPTIMIZED_PACKAGE)) {
>>> attributesThatAreSet = new ArrayList<String>(6);
>>> }
>>> }
>>> return attributesThatAreSet;
>>> }
>>> }
>>> Mark Collette
>>> ICEsoft Technologies, Inc.
>>> Ryan Lubke wrote:
>>>> Mark Collette wrote:
>>>>> Maybe the list could always track the set attributes, without
>>>>> requiring the component be a stock JSF component? It would just
>>>>> be the pass-through attribute rendering code that would impose the
>>>>> limitation, that it would only use the list for stock JSF components?
>>>> Would like to have a way to say what components so we don't force a
>>>> state saving penalty on those component sets that don't depend on
>>>> an implementation specific feature.
>>>>> Mark Collette
>>>>> ICEsoft Technologies, Inc.
>>>>> Ryan Lubke wrote:
>>>>>> Mark Collette wrote:
>>>>>>> Are there any limitations on adding public or protected methods
>>>>>>> into UIComponent or UIComponentBase?
>>>>>> Yes, it can't be done as the TCK signature tests would fail the
>>>>>> build.
>>>>>> Any changes to the API (public or protected) must be backed by
>>>>>> the specification.
>>>>>>> Mark Collette
>>>>>>> ICEsoft Technologies, Inc.
>>>>>>> Ryan Lubke wrote:
>>>>>>>> Mark Collette wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Is there any way for third party components to opt into making
>>>>>>>>> use of the attributesThatAreSet feature?
>>>>>>>> Probably not given the changes that were made for this feature
>>>>>>>> in 1.2_10.
>>>>>>>>> Or any plans to facilitate that, in the future?
>>>>>>>> No plans at this point. Patches are welcome.
>>>>>>>>> Mark Collette
>>>>>>>>> ICEsoft Technologies, Inc.
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