I think we had a discussion on that in myfaces-dev land, but
I forgot the outcome of that.
On Sun, Feb 8, 2009 at 8:06 PM, Jim Driscoll <Jim.Driscoll_at_sun.com> wrote:
> Hi David -
> I haven't tried the new version on Tomcat - I'll put that on our to do list
> to look at shortly, and get back to you.
> Jim
> On 2/7/09 11:52 AM, David Geary wrote:
>> Hi Jim,
>> I'm trying to get the basic-ezcomp samples with PR2 running in Tomcat
>> 6.0.16. I added javax.annotation.jar from the glassfish distribution
>> to my WEB-INF/lib (along with jsf-api.jar and jsf-impl.jar from PR2).
>> I needed javax.annotation.jar to get Eclipse to quit complaining that
>> it couldnt find the PostConstruct class (the complaint, of course, is
>> valid w/o the jar file). However, when I run in Tomcat, the
>> PostConstruct method is never invoked. To get the basic-ezcomp demos
>> to run, I had to modify DemoResourceBean.java to do this...
>> public Collection<DemoBean> getDemoBeans() {
>> buildDemoMetaData(); // I HAD TO ADD THIS LINE
>> return demoBeans;
>> }
>> ...otherwise I get a blank table on index.xhtml.
>> Do you know what I need to do in Tomcat to get the PostConstruct
>> method to be called? btw, it would be nice if there was some
>> documentation that told people how to use Mojarra PR2 on Tomcat 6.X.
>> Thanks,
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Matthias Wessendorf
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