Hi Ryan,
That was it. Thank you very much!
At 06:23 PM 10/23/2008, you wrote:
>Ralph Bunker wrote:
>>If this is not the right place to post this, please let me know a
>>better place.
>>I am preparing to teach JSF and want to be able to tell my students
>>that FacesServlet is "just" a Servlet. To convince myself of that,
>>I created a new Web Application project in NetBeans 6.1 and did not
>>add the JSF libraries to it. I then downloaded the 1.2_09 Mojarra
>>build from https://javaserverfaces.dev.java.net/download.html and
>>copied all packages and config files to my NetBeans project. I
>>created a small page with just a <f:view/> tag and ran that page.
>>I got it to compile and ConfigListener.contextInitialized and
>>FacesServlet.init appear to run correctly on thread
>>Thread[httpWorkerThread-4848-0,10,Grizzly]. In particular,
>>FacesContext.setInstance() is called before any call
>>FacesContext.getInstance() so that getInstance never returns null.
>The FacesContext ThreadLocal will be populated by the FacesServlet
>when the request is processed by the FacesServlet.
>If the ViewTag is stating that no FacesContext can be found, this
>indicats your request isn't going through the FacesServlet.
>FacesServlet is mapped to /faces/*
>Request: http://localhost:8080/testapp/test.jsp -> Fails with
>FacesContext not found
>Request: http://localhost:8080/testapp/faces/test.jsp -> works as
>the request includes the FacesServlet in the path
>FacesServlet is mapped to *.jsf
>Request: http://localhost:8080/testapp/test.jsp -> Fails with
>FacesContext not found
>Request: http://localhost:8080/testapp/test.jsf -> works as the
>request invokes the extension mapping for the FacesServlet
>>However, when com.sun.faces.taglib.jsf_core.ViewTag.setJspId is
>>called (it is running on thread
>>Thread[httpSSLWorkerThread-8080-1,10,Grizzly]), it calls
>>getFacesContext which calls FacesServlet.getInstance() *before any
>>call to FacesServlet.setInstance() on that thread *and an
>>"java.lang.RuntimeException: Cannot find FacesContext" exception is
>>thrown because getInstance returns null.
>>My question is who is supposed to call FacesServlet.setInstance()
>>on the ViewTag thread?
>>Any suggestions will be really appreciated.
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