Hi everyone!
Has anyone looked at the spec issue 419 (
The issue is about making the navigation rules more flexible, by allowing two wildcards in <from-view-id> (like */billing/*).
Copy-Paste for convenience:
Current navigation rules are limited to one wildcard, always at the end of the rule.
How hard would it be to allow more than one wildcard?
Complex applications always end up having a lot of the navigation rules assigned
to the /* (any) view as a workaround.
As an example, let's say I have my applications divided in 3 modules:
1) Clients (in the /clients folder)
2) Orders (in the /orders folder)
3) Billing (in the /billing folder)
In the Client area, I have a folder /clients/billing/, where I have all the
billing pages relating to the client.
In the Order area, I have a folder /order/billing/, where I have all the billing
pages relating to the order.
Currently, if I want to select an invoice in /clients/billing or /order/billing
and jump to /billing my navigation rule must be something called
"invoiceSelect", from "/*".
However, it would be cleaner if I made my "invoiceSelect" navigation rule
assigned "*/billing/*"
This request for enhancement might be questionable because we can always build
the application and organize its pages taking in account the navigation rules
limitations, however, if/when JavaServer Faces is considered to be used with
other technologies like OSGI or JSR-291 (Dynamic Component Support for Java) it
will become a real issue.
Let me elaborate, considering that my hypothetical application is divided in 3
1) Clients, that provides the /client folder
2) Orders, that provides the /order folder
3) Billing, that provides the /billing, /client/billing and /order/billing
The issue here is that the Client and the Order module don't know anything about
the billing module, so the navigation rules must be declared in the billing
module assigned to the view "/*".
Thank you,
José Freire
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