Leonardo Uribe wrote:
> Hi
> Looking on the jsf tld documentation (1.1 and 1.2), it says something
> like this (for h:commandLink):
> "............The name and the value (of UIParameter child components)
> must be URLEncoded.......".
> It says the same as h:outputLink.
> Testing on jsf ri 1.2_09 for example a <f:param name="paramName"
> value="modalità">
> Is added on commandLink javascript as:
> if(typeof jsfcljs == 'function'){jsfcljs(document.getElementById('mainForm'),{'mainForm:link':'mainForm:link','paramName':'modalità'},'');}return false
> This behavior suggest that no URLEncoding is used for f:param inside
> h:commandLink (instead the encoding used by
> ResponseWriter.writeAttribute). Is this the correct behavior? The tld
> api doc is wrong?
After talking with the spec leads, the current thinking is that the
render kit docs/tld docs are incorrect.
I've logged:
to have the documentation
addressed for 2.0.
> regards
> Leonardo Uribe