Ryan Lubke wrote:
> Matthias Wessendorf wrote:
>> On Mon, Jul 21, 2008 at 10:25 PM,
>> <hudson_at_javaserverfaces.dev.java.net> wrote:
>>> See http://rindge.sfbay.sun.com:7070/hudson/job/JSF_2.0_GFv2/102/changes
>> I wonder why this goes to a public list, since the URL seems not to be
>> public :)
> Right now, it's more of a motivator not to break the build cause.
> It's generally pretty easy to tell who did it at this point.
> Looking for an external solution has been on my list of things to do,
> but it's low priority.
Getting an external Hudson machine set up and running is one of the
things that the Glassfish team is supposed to eventually get done...
When they have it finished, we'll be able to get this to a place where
everyone can see it.