[ANNOUNCE] Podcast with David Geary, author of Core JSF

From: Kito D. Mann <>
Date: Thu, 17 Jul 2008 21:56:05 -0400

I'm pleased to announce the fourth podcast in JSFCentral's podcast series.
This podcast is an interview with David Geary, author of Core JSF and the
president of Clarity Training, Inc., where he teaches developers to
implement web applications using JSF, GWT, and Grails. It was recorded in
May of 2007 at the JavaOne conference in San Francisco, CA. Here's an

Kito: Okay, a lot of people that hear about JSF and maybe are working with
it don't really see how it meshes with Ajax. So if you've got these great
JavaScript frameworks out there and you have a JSF application or are
thinking about building one, how do these frameworks relate to actual
JavaServer Faces development?

David: That's a good question: how do you actually use these JavaScript
frameworks if you are already using JSF? The answer really is that JSF is a
great framework to integrate JavaScript frameworks. JSF has two things; it
has a very well-defined life cycle, and it has the ability to create your
own components and renderers. You can create your own components that wrap
JavaScripts. In other words you can implement renderers - as you well know -
that can generate JavaScripts and Ajax on the fly when they get processed in
the page. Then you can add JSP tags or Facelet tags, if you prefer, on top
of those components and renderers so the bottom line is that you can give
page authors tags that are Ajax-enabled and they just put the tags in their
pages. They don't have to know anything about JavaScript or Ajax. They don't
even have to know what Ajax means, what it stands for. Just give them the
tags and say "here's my tags that represent Scriptaculous effects or Rico
accordion components. Here's the tags, here's their attributes, just stick
it in the page and use it." That encapsulation capability with components
and renderers is a very compelling reason to merge JSF and Ajax together.

Check out the podcast here: You can catch David
Geary and other expert JSF speakers at JSFOne (

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Kito D. Mann - Author, JavaServer Faces in Action - JSF/Java EE consulting, training, and mentoring - JavaServer Faces FAQ, news, and info
phone: +1 203-653-2989
fax: +1 203-653-2988