Matthias Wessendorf wrote:
> ah,
> I thought you guys are steakholder for both.
Sure, the JSF EG will offer input on the EL spec, but it's best to get
the issue on their
books so it isn't lost.
> -Matthias
> On Fri, Jul 4, 2008 at 8:11 AM, Ryan Lubke <> wrote:
>> Matthias Wessendorf wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I know, this is invalid:
>>> action="#{bean.text == 'ABC' ? bean.myNiceMethod : bean.myOddMethod}"
>>> but, wouldn't it be kinda interesting to have that possibility as well ?
>>> -Matthias
>> Since the EL is under the JSP spec at this point, log your spec enhancements
>> [1] so they are on record.
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