[ANNOUNCE] Gavin King Seam Podcast and In the Trenches with Jason Lee

From: Kito D. Mann <>
Date: Mon, 16 Jun 2008 23:13:14 -0400



I'm pleased to announce two pieces of original content at JSFCentral (part
of renewed emphasis on the site). The first is a podcast with Gavin King,
where we discuss Seam and JSF in detail. Here's an excerpt:


Kito: Okay, so we are talking about state and how it is not such a bad thing
after all. In more specific terms, what is a stateful component in Seam and
how does the conversation play into that?


Gavin: A stateful component is just a stateful session bean, or in fact can
be any Java class. You don't have to use EJB 3 with Seam if you don't want
to. It is just a Java class which would specify a context. You can say "this
object is scoped to the conversation" or "this object is scoped to the
session." In fact this is a model that is just taken straight from the JSF
managed bean model, but what we have done is added new contexts -- we added
the conversation context and the business process context -- to that model.
It can be bound to the view layer just by EL expressions, just like in JSF.
So then these stateful components are able to interact with each other so we
kind of have a more sophisticated version of dependency injection, which is
designed to cope with the problems that you come across when you have
stateful components from different contexts interacting with each other.
What we are trying to achieve in the component model is extremely loosely
coupled applications.


Download the podcast or read the transcript here:


The second article is an "In the Trenches" story about how Jason Lee and his
team at IEC developed a file upload JSF component that integrates with an
applet, and donated it to the Mojarra Scales project. Here's an excerpt:


Lee became involved when it was time to tackle an issue with regard to file
uploads. He explained, "While the application itself is not too exciting,
what makes it interesting is the custom component we wrote to work around an
HTML limitation. When the TDM group uploads these BOMs, there can easily be
20-30 at a time that they need to upload. With the plain HTML file input
widget, the user can only select one file at a time. While there are some
pretty slick and clever ways to make that more palatable, the requirement
that the user click a button before selecting each file -- over and over --
was quickly dismissed as unacceptable. To work around this, we looked at
projects like JUpload, but they did not work exactly how we'd like, and
setting it up on the page was more work than we wanted to see."


Read the rest of the article here:


You can expect more content from JSFCentral this summer..


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Kito D. Mann - Author, JavaServer Faces in Action
 <> - JSF/Java EE consulting,
training, and mentoring
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