Jim Driscoll wrote:
> My talk is Wednesday night, so that's not a good day for me, otherwise
> I'm open.
> We could do an early evening get together Tuesday night...
> If just drinks, I'm partial to the place at the top of the Marriott,
> which is close, and has great views. If dinner, I like Restaurant
> Lulu, on 4th and Folsom, about two block walk - but there's other good
> places about as close.
What if we try to meet up outside of J1 registration Tuesday 6pm, and
then we can decided where to go from there?
> Jim
> Jason Lee wrote:
>> On Mon, Apr 28, 2008 at 2:55 PM, Michael Youngstrom <youngm_at_gmail.com
>> <mailto:youngm_at_gmail.com>> wrote:
>> I'm in. I can do drinks or dinner some place. I'm not picky either
>> as long as the place has good water. :)
>> I'm in as well. The closer to the Moscone Center the better, as I'll
>> be on foot. :P
>> --
>> Jason Lee, SCJP
>> Software Architect -- Objectstream, Inc.
>> Mojarra and Mojarra Scales Dev Team
>> https://mojarra.dev.java.net
>> https://scales.dev.java.net
>> http://blogs.steeplesoft.com
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