Look great! Good job, Ryan! :)
On Thu, Apr 17, 2008 at 4:19 PM, Ryan Lubke <Ryan.Lubke_at_sun.com> wrote:
> Hello Folks,
> Just a heads up that I've committed the initial code to support Groovy
> within Mojarra.
> This blog entry [1] provides more details on this feature.
> The code is still a little rough, so I'm hoping some folks out there are
> interested in helping
> clean it up and improving it.
> Please kick the tires of the tonight's nightly and provide feedback.
> Thanks!
> -rl
> [1] http://blogs.sun.com/rlubke/entry/groovy_mojarra
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Jason Lee, SCJP
Software Architect -- Objectstream, Inc.
Mojarra and Mojarra Scales Dev Team