I know _nothing_ about OSGi, but I do know that Glassfish v3 is redoing
their architecture to be OSGi, so I _think_ that we're going to get some
level of OSGi integration at some point in the future (but maybe just
via the servlet container... as I said, I know nothing about this).
Prehaps Ryan knows more?
Anyway, if you're really into OSGi, the new V3 stuff may have some
attraction for you. I think we're past the early alpha level on the
code there (i.e., mostly stable for most things).
Jason Lee wrote:
> Those are all very good questions, answers to which I'd like to hear
> myself. :)
> In terms of implementing these changes (whatever they turn out to be), I
> really have no idea when and where that would happen. Of course, I'm
> willing to help, but, as I've noted, I'm still an OSGi noob, so it will
> take me some time to get up to speed. If we can decide on how this
> should look/work, I'll think along those lines as I study OSGi, and
> we'll see what happens (assuming the entire idea isn't scrapped. Either
> way, I have to learn OSGi, though :)
> On Tue, Apr 8, 2008 at 6:16 AM, Freire, Jose Luis (PT - Lisbon)
> <jfreire_at_deloitte.pt <mailto:jfreire_at_deloitte.pt>> wrote:
> I also don't think it would be very difficult to make JSF as a bundle.
> It would be great if we could downgrade some advanced JSF internals to
> bypass some potencial OSGI limitations/constraints. Would any work on
> JSF-OSGI be done on 1.2, or would it start on 2.0?
> The first thing we need is a configure() method that we could call on
> plugin activation. And then see where it breaks next.
> The eclipse.org <http://eclipse.org> team has JSP working
> (http://www.eclipse.org/equinox/server/jsp_support.php) and on the same
> page they have links to examples of JSTL and Struts.
> For JSP they do it with a bundle (org.eclipse.equinox.jsp.jasper) they
> describe as "Provides an OSGi friendly JSPServlet based on the use of
> the Jasper 2 compiler and runtime."
> So how would JSF+JSP work? Would the JSF-OSGI implementation use it's
> own Jasper implementation? Or would it be simpler to start with
> JSF+Facelets?
> I am curious about what Ed Burns meant by "It makes perfect sense to me
> to have the JSF impl sit on top of an OSGI stack."
> Does he mean to have an JSF-OSGI extension spec so we could define
> extension points to configure PhaseListeners, Navigation Handlers, etc?
> Or does he mean to actually refactor the JSF Implementation to be OSGI
> native? OSGI Service Layer has a lot of interesting stuff that the
> JSF-OSGI implementation could use, like the Log Service for example.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jason Lee [mailto:jason_at_steeplesoft.com
> <mailto:jason_at_steeplesoft.com>]
> Sent: segunda-feira, 7 de Abril de 2008 22:03
> To: dev_at_javaserverfaces.dev.java.net
> <mailto:dev_at_javaserverfaces.dev.java.net>
> Subject: Re: OSGi Support
> Freire, Jose Luis (PT - Lisbon) wrote:
> > I'm glad you asked!
> So that was you! I was too lazy to search. :)
> > We could go crazy and have some other extensions points like
> > javax.faces.validator to declare validators, but I don't think it
> would
> > bring any immediate benefit.
> So what you're mainly interested in, then, is a way to register JSF
> itself with an OSGi container as a whole, and not necessarily parts of
> the JSF impl itself, right? If that's so, that doesn't seem like it
> would be all that difficult, but my inexperience with the technology may
> be glaring at this point. :)
> --
> Jason Lee, SCJP
> Software Architect -- Objectstream, Inc.
> Mojarra and Mojarra Scales Dev Team
> https://mojarra.dev.java.net
> https://scales.dev.java.net
> http://blogs.steeplesoft.com
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> --
> Jason Lee, SCJP
> Software Architect -- Objectstream, Inc.
> Mojarra and Mojarra Scales Dev Team
> https://mojarra.dev.java.net
> https://scales.dev.java.net
> http://blogs.steeplesoft.com