That is strange, I just tested it and sure enough it does not work that
Would it be safe to have the lowest "tabindex" of an input element
take the focus by default? Or is there an additional benefit to have a
"focus" attribute on any parent that can have input elements?
I guess one benefit to the "focus" attribute would be that it would
only have scope to the child elements of itself. where as the
"tabindex" I believe is for the entire page that is rendered.
I think that the "focus" attribute it would be a good thing to have
for JSF 2.0.
Doug Donahue
Jacob Hookom wrote:
> I thought the same thing, but documentation/forums online say that
> this will not work
> Doug Donahue wrote:
>> Jim;
>> Would the "tabindex" attribute on the input element do the same
>> thing?
>> example:
>> <h:inputText id="fname" label="First Name" tabindex="0"/>
>> Would the focus default to the lowest tabindex?
>> Dougd
>> Jim Driscoll wrote:
>>> How about this for a RFI on the API - setting focus on an input field.
>>> Right now, if I understand correctly, you end up coding in
>>> javascript...
>>> Thoughts? It's a not uncommon request. It would seem a shame to
>>> have to intermingle javascript with your page for such a common task.
>>> Jim
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