>>>>> On Wed, 26 Sep 2007 09:18:49 -0700, Ryan Lubke <Ryan.Lubke_at_Sun.COM> said:
GE> I do not understand why does the calculateCharacterEncoding method
GE> contained in the ViewHandler abstract class and calculateLocale not.
GE> Is it reasonable to specify this method as abstract in ViewHandler and
GE> implement it in the implementation source? or any other reason?
RL> The javadocs don't reflect it, but this method was added in 1.2. The
RL> implementation was added here to allow ViewHandlers
RL> written for 1.1 to continue to work.
I've added the @since 1.2 tag.
GE> PS : Is it possible to read JSR 314 proposals that EG discuss? Project
GE> EG page does not permit me to view these proposals.
RL> At this point, no. You must be a member of the EG to view the discussions.
Right, you'll have to wait for the early draft review of the spec, which
will be out before JavaOne.
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