Re: JSR-252 Issue 21 - Provided an additional "binding" attribute for the core Converter, Listener and Validator tags does not fit as spec doc says

From: Ryan Lubke <Ryan.Lubke_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 30 Oct 2007 09:38:34 -0700

Leonardo Uribe wrote:
> Hi
> I have an idea about this topic. Why don't do a change like this:
> If the converter/validator or actionListener does not have binding,
> the component does the same.
> If the converter/validator or actionListener has a binding, but not
> implements StateHolder, use a delegate or binding class to store the
> converterId, validatorId and binding on the state to be restored
> properly later. When is restored, obtain the delegate an instantiate
> the correct object and set it.
As it stands in the RI now, we're trying to accomodate what the spec
says (i.e. literal id means actual instance instead of delegate)
and improving upon the spec in how binding *should* have been spec'd out.

Since the Trinidad component set relies on the current spec behavior, I
think this hybrid solution is the best
that we can do until JSF 2.0 clarifies this situation.
> This change implies some changes on UIOutput, UIInput and related
> classes.
> regards
> Leonardo Uribe