Leonardo Uribe wrote:
> Sorry, I read the question and answer the wrong semantic.
> The previour behaviour jsf 1.2.04-p02 do the following:
> * This is the message for phase before RENDER_RESPONSE 6
> * Component:javax.faces.component.html.HtmlInputText_at_186f3b3
> converter:
> com.sun.faces.taglib.jsf_core.ConverterTag$BindingConverter_at_e9aa13
> * Validator:null
> * Converter:null
> * ActionListener:null
> My suposition is the binding or delegate classes are instantiated
> instead and the real impl do not. By this way,
> The delegate class save an restore the info necessary to create the
> real impl of the converter and validator, but it's
> not necessary to assign binding attributes right now.
> The problem is when you execute a method like getConverter(), it
> returns this:
> converter:
> com.sun.faces.taglib.jsf_core.ConverterTag$BindingConverter_at_e9aa13
> Saving the binding class on the state warrants the lazy loading.
> But now this method are returning this:
> converter: javax.faces.convert.BigIntegerConverter_at_1e090ee
> so something changed, but I do not know anything about the code of jsf
> ri, (but a little of myfaces), so
> I cannot check what happens.
> When the values are submitted it returns the following (just an extract)
> * This is the message for phase before PROCESS_VALIDATIONS 3
> * Component:javax.faces.component.html.HtmlInputText_at_182a033
> converter:
> com.sun.faces.taglib.jsf_core.ConverterTag$BindingConverter_at_e391c4
> * Validator:null
> * Converter:null
> * ActionListener:null
> * This is the message for phase after PROCESS_VALIDATIONS 3
> * Component:javax.faces.component.html.HtmlInputText_at_182a033
> converter:
> com.sun.faces.taglib.jsf_core.ConverterTag$BindingConverter_at_e391c4
> * Validator:org.apache.myfaces.bindingCLV.DummyValidator_at_c713d2
> * Converter:javax.faces.convert.BigDecimalConverter_at_1e6696c
> * ActionListener:null
> Showing the lazy load of converters and validators on
> The binding variable is set properly (setting the real impl and not
> the delegator class) the first time
> is called getAsString or getAsObject for converters.
> The ideal way is that after PROCESS_VALIDATIONS returns this:
> * This is the message for phase after PROCESS_VALIDATIONS 3
> * Component:javax.faces.component.html.HtmlInputText_at_182a033
> converter: javax.faces.convert.BigDecimalConverter_at_1e6696c
> * Validator:org.apache.myfaces.bindingCLV.DummyValidator_at_c713d2
> * Converter:javax.faces.convert.BigDecimalConverter_at_1e6696c
> * ActionListener:null
> I hope this helps. But still there is a question on the air: żIs lazy
> loading the way to set bindings on Validators, Converters and
> ActionListenter
> regards
> Leonardo Uribe
The change that was introduced was this:
If id is specified and is a literal, then the converter will never
change, so assign the actual
converter instance instead of the binding instance. This was needed
to support certain
functionality provided by trinidad.