in com.sun.el.lang.ELSupport.coerceToString()
I noticed that a in case of a null String, the method returns "";
The way down.
In the converter:
if (patternExpression != null) {
pattern = (String)
ELUtils.evaluateValueExpression(patternExpression, elContext);
(expectedType == String... for the pattern)
if (this.expectedType != null) {
return ELSupport.coerceToType(value, this.expectedType);
coerceToType CALLs the coerceToString()
public final static String coerceToString(final Object obj) {
if (obj == null) {
return "";
So, that is the reason why "" is returned.
Stupid question... is that correct ?
On 10/24/07, Matthias Wessendorf <matzew_at_apache.org> wrote:
> Hi,
> using JSF RI (1_2_04-p02) + Trinidad 1.2.x
> I noticed the following, when a "pattern" is null, like
> <tr:inputText >
> <tr:convertDateTime pattern="#{null}"/>
> </tr:inputText>
> A "default" date is visible.
> But with f: (using the RI Tag to create the overridden DateTimeConverter)
> <tr:inputText >
> <f:convertDateTime pattern="#{null}"/>
> </tr:inputText>
> nothing is displayed.
> The null get's resolved as "" and therefore the DateFormat "parser"
> returns no date.
> Someone noticed this too ?
> --
> Matthias Wessendorf
> further stuff:
> blog: http://matthiaswessendorf.wordpress.com/
> mail: matzew-at-apache-dot-org
Matthias Wessendorf
further stuff:
blog: http://matthiaswessendorf.wordpress.com/
mail: matzew-at-apache-dot-org