Summary of what I would like to get accomplished by this commit:
The GlassfishUpdater code needs to be "hands off installation" for
automated testing.(except the License Agreement) So to solve this I
needed to add the ability to pass in a Properties file. I also needed to
add the ability to use a none default administration port for
glassfish.(the default is 4848).
Below is the Change Bundle that I would like reviewed.
* SECTION: Modified Files
M jsf-tools/src/com/sun/faces/tools/
* SECTION: Diffs
Index: jsf-tools/src/com/sun/faces/tools/
RCS file:
retrieving revision 1.11
diff -u -r1.11
--- jsf-tools/src/com/sun/faces/tools/ 17 Oct
2007 15:18:16 -0000 1.11
+++ jsf-tools/src/com/sun/faces/tools/ 19 Oct
2007 23:39:58 -0000
@@ -60,6 +60,7 @@
"Do you accept the above license terms?";
private static final String SERVER_MUST_BE_RUNNING_STATEMENT =
"Ensure the domain is running before continuing.";
+ private static final String ASADMIN_PORT="What is the admin port
private static final String ASADMIN_USERNAME_QUESTION =
"What is the asadmin administrative user name?";
private static final String ASADMIN_USER_PASSWORD_QUESTION =
@@ -106,22 +107,31 @@
protected GlassfishUpdater() { }
protected static File libDir = null;
- protected static Properties props;
public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception {
// For statefile operations.
if (args.length != 0) {
if ("-statefile".equals(args[0])) {
if (args.length == 2) {
- setStateProps(args[1]);
- String adminUser = getProp("admin.user");
- String passwd = getProp("passwd.file");
- File appHome = new File(getProp("appserver.home"));
+ String passwd = null;
+ Properties steFile = getPropsFile(args[1]);
+ String adminUser = getProp(steFile, "admin.user");
+ String adminPort = getProp(steFile, "admin.port");
+ File appHome = new File(getProp(steFile,
+ // Get and validate the admin password file.
+ if (steFile.containsKey("passwd.file")){
+ passwd = getProp(steFile,"passwd.file");
+ Properties pFile = getPropsFile(passwd);
+ String adminPasswd = getProp(pFile,
+ }
"yes")) {
- updateClassPathPrefix(appHome, adminUser, passwd);
+ updateClassPathPrefix(appHome, adminUser, passwd,
+ adminPort);
System.out.println("Upgrade complete." + NEW_LINE +
"Restart the server for the changes to
take " +
@@ -129,14 +139,18 @@
} else {
System.out.println("Provide a properties file with
the " +
"following props!" + NEW_LINE + "admin.user" +
- NEW_LINE + "passwd.file" + NEW_LINE +
- "appserver.home" + NEW_LINE + "Exiting...");
+ NEW_LINE + "passwd.file(OPTIONAL)" + NEW_LINE +
+ "admin.port" + NEW_LINE + "appserver.home" +
+ NEW_LINE + "Exiting...");
} else {
- System.out.println("Illegal Argument!" + NEW_LINE +
+ System.out.println("Illegal Argument!" + NEW_LINE +
+ "Exiting...");
+ System.out.println("Upgrade complete. Restart the server
for " +
+ "the changes to take effect.");
} else {
// Default no command line args operation.
@@ -146,30 +160,32 @@
String path = askQuestion(PATH_TO_APPSERVER_QUESTION,
installDir = validateServerDirectory(path);
if (installDir == null) {
- System.out.println('\'' + path + "' is invalid.
Please try again.\n");
+ System.out.println('\'' + path + "' is invalid. " +
+ "Please try again." + NEW_LINE);
String user = askQuestion(ASADMIN_USERNAME_QUESTION, "admin");
+ String adminPort = askQuestion(ASADMIN_PORT, "4848");
- updateClassPathPrefix(installDir, user, pass);
+ updateClassPathPrefix(installDir, user, pass, adminPort);
System.out.println("Upgrade complete. Restart the server
for the changes to take effect.");
public static void updateClassPathPrefix(File installDir,
String user,
- String pathToPasswordFile)
+ String pathToPasswordFile,
+ String adminPort)
throws Exception {
File binDir = new File(installDir, "bin");
Runtime rt = Runtime.getRuntime();
- Process p = rt.exec(buildCommand(binDir, user,
pathToPasswordFile, "get", null),
- null,
- binDir);
+ Process p = rt.exec(buildCommand(binDir, user, adminPort,
+ pathToPasswordFile, "get", null), null, binDir);
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new
String result = reader.readLine();
@@ -193,9 +209,8 @@
System.out.println("Updating classpath-prefix....");
path = parts[1].trim() + '/' + INSTALL_ROOT + "/lib/" +
- p = rt.exec(buildCommand(binDir, user, pathToPasswordFile,
"set", path),
- null,
- binDir);
+ p = rt.exec(buildCommand(binDir, user, adminPort,
+ pathToPasswordFile, "set", path), null, binDir);
@@ -240,6 +255,7 @@
public static String buildCommand(File binDir,
String user,
+ String adminPort,
String pathToPasswordFile,
String baseCommand,
String updateInfo) throws
IOException {
@@ -260,6 +276,8 @@
+ sb.append(" --port ");
+ sb.append(adminPort.trim());
if (updateInfo != null) {
@@ -352,13 +370,12 @@
- * Set and validate the Properties file.
+ * Read in a given Properties file.
- public static void setStateProps(String path) {
+ public static Properties getPropsFile(String path) {
- props = new Properties();
+ Properties props = new Properties();
- // Read in the properties file.
try {
props.load(new FileInputStream(path));
} catch (IOException e) {
@@ -370,25 +387,22 @@
+ return props;
* Get and validate a given property.
- public static String getProp(String prop) {
- String value = props.getProperty(prop);
+ public static String getProp(Properties propFile, String prop) {
+ String value = propFile.getProperty(prop);
- if (value == null) {
- System.out.println(prop + " Not found in the following
props " +
- "list: " + props + NEW_LINE + "This prop must be
set!" +
+ if (value == null || value.length() == 0) {
+ System.out.println(prop + " NOT FOUND! or NOT SET!" +
+ NEW_LINE + "This property must be set!" +
NEW_LINE + "Exiting...");
- if (value.length() == 0) {
- System.out.println(prop + " NOT SET!" + NEW_LINE +
- "This prop must be set!" + NEW_LINE + "Exiting...");
- System.exit(1);
- }
return value;