my point was that these minSet / maxSet properties aren't public and
therefore, we need to "hack" our validators, to get it working. That's
Take a look at MyFaces' (DoubleRange)Validator to see an alternate solution.
On 9/26/07, Gurkan Erdogdu <gurkanerdogdu_at_yahoo.com> wrote:
> Hi;
> Just for comment maybe not clear solution for you:)
> In RI, The maximumSet and minumumSet is setted when any call to the
> setMaximum() and setMinimum() method respectively.
> In your validator class, you could add two key property;
> public void setMaximum(){
> super.setMaximum();
> _facesBean.setProperty(_MAXIMUM_KEY,
> Double.valueOf(maximum));
> _facesBean.setProperty(_MAXIMUM_SET_KEY, true);
> }
> public void setMinimum(){
> super.setMaximum();
> _facesBean.setProperty(_MINUMUM_KEY,
> Double.valueOf(minumum));
> _facesBean.setProperty(_MINIMUM_SET_KEY, true);
> }
> and then when restore your state if you got _MAXIMUM_SET_KEY or
> _MINUMUM_KEY_SET true, then you call the set methods again the same values
> with maximum and minumum restore values, if not keys set then no call to the
> respective methods after restore;
> //Restore Step
> boolean maximumSet = restore _MAXIMUM_SET_KEY in _FacesBean
> boolean minumuSet = restore _MAXIMUM_SET_KEY in _FacesBean
> DoubleRangeValidator validator = new DoubleRangeValidator();
> if(maximumSet ){
> //call this
> validator.setMaximum(restore maximum value)
> }
> if(minumumSet ){
> //call this
> validator.setMinimum(restore maximum value)
> }
> So any maximumSet and minumumSet properties will be saved/restored I think;
> Gurkan Erdogdu
> ----- Original Message ----
> From: Matthias Wessendorf <matzew_at_apache.org>
> To: dev_at_javaserverfaces.dev.java.net
> Sent: Wednesday, September 26, 2007 10:41:13 AM
> Subject: (DoubleRange)Validator issue
> Hi guys,
> this mail on the Trinidad list ([1]) lead me to the following issue.
> In Trinidad, we extend the standard validators, like the
> doubleRangeValidator, but the "logic" of the validate is inherited.
> Inside of save/restore State methods, we delegate to the FacesBean
> instance, which takes care of saving / restoring all properties, like
> maximum or some Trinidad extra properties like "messageDetailMaximum".
> See [2] for the full source code.
> When using Trinidad on top of the RI (and client side validation is
> DISABLED), there are some issues (see [1]). It looks like there is a
> private property used the the RI (DoubleRange)Validator to indicate if
> maximum or minimum has been set (and these properties are also saved /
> restored). Since this is private, it's "odd" to add this property to
> Trinidad's (DoubleRange)Validator as well, to get it working with the
> RI, isnt' it ?
> I checked the MyFaces IMPL code of (DoubleRange)Validator (see [3])
> and it doesn't use such a property. So here, this combination (MyFaces
> + Trinidad (client validation DISABLED)) works.
> What do you think about this ?
> Do you want me to file an issue ?
> Thx,
> Matthias
> [1]
> http://www.mail-archive.com/users@myfaces.apache.org/msg42199.html
> [2] http://tinyurl.com/22ojtz
> [3] http://tinyurl.com/3bvsdb
> --
> Matthias Wessendorf
> further stuff:
> blog: http://matthiaswessendorf.wordpress.com/
> mail: matzew-at-apache-dot-org
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Matthias Wessendorf
further stuff:
blog: http://matthiaswessendorf.wordpress.com/
mail: matzew-at-apache-dot-org