No, it doesn't. That's something we could take a look at keeping backwards
compatability in mind. I can open up a spec issue for that (if there's
not already one).
Thanks, Roger.
Matthias Wessendorf wrote:
> hi,
> history doesn't mean, can be changed in newer versions of the spec, isn't it ?
> Trinidad renders commandButtons as <button>...</button>, for instance.
> -M
> On 9/20/07, Roger Kitain <> wrote:
>> I think there was some history as to why we decided to go with "input"
>> element
>> over "button" element, but I don't recall why.
>> Matthias Wessendorf wrote:
>>> any reason, why the spec doesn't say, render as <button>blah</button> ?
>>> -M
>>> On 9/19/07, Ryan Lubke <> wrote:
>>>> Gurkan Erdogdu wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> When I want to add <h:commandButton type='button'>, renderer renders
>>>>> it as submit button. Because of the following code in ButtonRenderer
>>>>> encodeBegin method
>>>>> // Which button type (SUBMIT, RESET, or BUTTON) should we generate?
>>>>> String type = (String) component.getAttributes().get("type");
>>>>> String styleClass;
>>>>> if (type == null || (!"reset".equals(type) &&
>>>>> !"submit".equals(type))) {
>>>>> type = "submit";
>>>>> // This is needed in the decode method
>>>>> component.getAttributes().put("type", type);
>>>>> }
>>>>> Because type not reset and not submit always put submit type.
>>>>> Is it intentionally written like this?
>>>> Yes. The renderkit docs [1] clearly state the valid values for the type
>>>> attribute.
>>>> [1]
>>>>> Thanks
>>>>> Gurkan
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