Re: Coverter instance Calling Phase

From: Roger Kitain <Roger.Kitain_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 18 Sep 2007 10:14:45 -0400

If immediate is true, then validation will be called after decoding in
aply request values phase. This also means that getAsObject will be
called then as that method is called during conversion, and conversion
happens during validation.

Gurkan Erdogdu wrote:
> In specification, in 3.3.2 Converter part, it says that
> public Object getAsObject(FacesContext context, UIComponent
> component, String value) throws ConverterException;
> It is called during the /*Apply Request Values* /phase of the request
> processing lifecycle.
> This method is called in the Process Validation Phase if *immediate*
> property is false?
> Thanks;
> Gurkan
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