ChrisC wrote:
> Hi
> I want to show a table x wide, one deep which has an image shown in each
> cell.
> The image details are stored in a db, and the number of images is variable.
> That is, one way of thinking is that I need a horizontal dataTable.
> Can someone suggest the best way of doing this.
> Thanks
> Chris
Assuming that you have a way to obtain a specific image from the DB from
a URI, then
you could use a component binding with h:panelGrid.
Something like:
public UIComponent getGrid() {
FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
HtmlPanelGrid grid =
for (String uri : someCollectionOfURIs) {
HtmlGraphicImage image =
image.getAttributes().put("value", uri);
// set what other attributes you need to have rendered on
each image
return grid;
so in your view, you'd have something like: <h:panelGrid
The next part of this would be having a separate servlet to serve the
images themselves when requested by the browser.
So the URIs might look like "/images/<db_unique_identifier_stuff>" with
the servlet mapped to "/images/*".
The servlet would take the unique identifier stuff, and return the
appropriate data via the ServletOutputStream.