I'd like to see some benchmarks first.
Based on my personal experience, I suspect this will
be a brutal hit to scalability, and would not recommend
serialization by default.
-- Adam
Michael Youngstrom wrote:
> My only problem with making serializing not default is that I'd hate
> for the RI to be smoked by some other JSF impls out there in random
> benchmarks because they're improperly handling server side state. :)
> However, for apps in my industry segment stability and consistency are
> more important than performance so I agree that server state should be
> serialized by default.
> Mike
> On 9/6/07, Ryan Lubke <Ryan.Lubke_at_sun.com> wrote:
>> Ryan Lubke wrote:
>>> Change bundle attached to the issue [1]
>>> The big question: Should serialization of server state be enabled by
>>> default or not?
>> My two cents:
>> From a technical standpoint, having parity with client-side state
>> saving is a good thing.
>> We don't want two different behaviors depending on which type a client
>> application uses.
>> That said, this is the first report I've seen on this issue, but that
>> doesn't mean people haven't
>> hit it and worked around it. So, I'm fine with changing the default to
>> false and documenting
>> it's usage so if someone hits this in the future, then can flip this switch.
>>> [1] https://javaserverfaces.dev.java.net/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=632
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