RE: Re: Colspan support?

From: Ed Burns <>
Date: Wed, 6 Jun 2007 09:20:15 -0700

>>>>> On Tue, 20 Feb 2007 11:18:41 -0600, Jason Lee <> said:

JL> I think this is the same request as was made on the tracker, for which I
JL> opened an issue for the spec team:

JL> 244

Thanks Jason.

>>>>> On Tue, 20 Feb 2007 12:41:05 +0100, "Lilianne E. Blaze" <> said:

LB> Hello,
LB> Would it be possible to add colspan support for panelGrid?
LB> I read the relevant source and I think I can write an appropriate patch,
LB> is there any chance it would be included in 1.2?

Lilliane, can you please attach the patch to the above issue? This will
make it easier for us to include in JSF 2.0.


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