Hello Jose,
while I was experimenting with classloaders in JSF, I had success
with Thread.get / setContextClassloader.
The Problem will then be to get hold of every Thread before JSF loads
classes. I wrote a Filter to wrap the Classloader of every requests
Thread and a ContextListener for the startup of the webapp.
I hope there are better ways to do it, so I am too interested if
someone else has a better approach.
(Apart from that probably most appserver have (a non portable) way to
define classloaders.
Imre Oßwald
On 25.06.2007, at 13:20, Freire, Jose Luis ((PT - Lisbon)) wrote:
> I’m doing some experimental work to run JSF in an OSGI environment
> and I’m trying a new approach since I’m finding that it’s very hard
> to make JSF a OSGI Bundle, so I’m going for smaller steps.
> What is the best way to extend JSF classloader (if one exists…) ?
> José Freire
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