Ryan Lubke said the following on 5/17/07 8:10 PM PT:
> Matthias Wessendorf wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I pass in a Number (Integer) to a converter, let's say DoubleConverter
>> and I get a classcastexception.
>> the RI does:
>> try {
>> return (Float.toString(((Float) value).floatValue()));
>> }
> The above looks wrong.
> The RI, in the case of the DoubleConverter does:
> return (Double.toString(((Double) value).doubleValue()));
> It seems reasonable to me to expect the Object to be Double as that
> is what this converter deals with.
Code is always better off casting to Number in this
case. There's no advantage to using Double here,
other than more ClassCastExceptions.
-- Adam
>> MyFaces does:
>> try
>> {
>> return Double.toString(((Number)value).doubleValue());
>> }
>> Shouldn't the RI use Number as well ?
>> -Matthias
>> http://fisheye5.cenqua.com/browse/~raw,r=1.21/javaserverfaces-sources/jsf-api/src/javax/faces/convert/DoubleConverter.java
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