Re: Issue 484 - Is f:subview still needed?

From: Ryan Lubke <Ryan.Lubke_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 02 Feb 2007 12:28:20 -0800

Adam Winer wrote:
> Ryan Lubke said the following on 2/2/07 11:54 AM PT:
>> Adam Winer wrote:
>>> Is this strictly an issue for tag files, or does it
>>> have repercussions for jsp:include?
>> jsp:include is handled. We detect it by a servlet required request
>> attribute that will
>> be present, so it's strictly tag files.
>>> I would have thought that a tag file would have a separate
>>> JspContext instance from the page in which it is used, but is
>>> that not necessarily so?
>> Right, it does. I kicked some ideas around with detecting the
>> the fact that a Tag file will have a clean page scope, but they didn't
>> quite work out.
>> I guess one could just track each PageContext and for each new one we
>> encounter mundge the IDs appropriately....
> If we did this, would it obviate the need for
> detecting includes via the request attribute?
It probably would, but I personally prefer continuing to detect it.
The IDs are generated so that it's very easy to tell if they were an
include or not - but that's me.
> But I'd be extremely concerned that a JSP environment
> might reuse PageContext instances. Given the JSP EG's
> (at least past) adoration of object reuse, they might
> have gone down this path.
> -- Adam
>>> -- Adam
>>> Ryan Lubke said the following on 2/2/07 11:32 AM PT:
>>>> Hey Folks,
>>>> I'm out of ideas on this one. So far, I've tried to come up with a
>>>> portable way to
>>>> detect that JSF is executing within the context of a JSP Tag file
>>>> in order to handle
>>>> the JSP ids, but there doesn't seem to be any way at this point.
>>>> My last entry in the bug led me to believe a potential issue with
>>>> the JSP implementation,
>>>> but after bringing it up to the JSP spec leads, they state it's a
>>>> case of bad wording
>>>> and Jasper is doing the right thing.
>>>> So, hopefully someone out here has an idea or two on how we might
>>>> be able to
>>>> tackle this one, otherwise, the only solution I see is to use
>>>> f:subview.
>>>> Please review
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> -rl
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