Stan Silvert wrote:
> Sorry to ask an obvious question, but I need an authoritative answer.
> Has the JSF 1.1 TCK been run against the JSF 1.2 impl? Or, does the
> JSF 1.2 TCK include everything from 1.1?
The JSF 1.2 TCK includes everything from 1.1 (except for those cases
where backward compat changes).
> Are there any known backward compatibility issues in the JSF 1.2 impl
> other than those documented in the 1.2 spec?
None come to mind at the moment. We've worked hard to ensure 1.1 based
applications continue to work
out of the box. For example, before every release, internally we test:
- Shale 1.1 demos
- SEAM booking example
- ADF Faces component demo
- serveral internal sun applications/component sets
> Stan Silvert
> JBoss, a division of RedHat
> <>