Welcome Tony.
Nobody responded to my introduction email so I thought I'd respond to
yours. :) Anyway, welcome to the team. Hopefully you'll be more help
to the project than I have been. :P
On 8/23/06, Ryan Lubke <Ryan.Lubke_at_sun.com> wrote:
> I'd like to welcome Tony Robertson as a commiter
> to the project. Tony has jumped right in providing
> patches on everything from the API/Implementation
> to fixing some of our out of date unit tests.
> A little bit about Tony:
> Tony is a security and identity management specialist currently working for
> Cybertrust in Australia. He has worked on software development and
> systems integration projects in Australia and Hong Kong since 1995, and
> have particular interest in standards based and open source web
> application components, and the practicalities of using these in
> enterprise environments.
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