RE: using jsfc= with outputText?

From: <>
Date: Fri, 14 Jul 2006 14:40:35 -0400

I'm just wondering if the Renderer for h:outputText should avoid rendering its children when a value is defined.

>I've been using 'jsfc'quite extensively with <input> and <a> elements -
>in my opinion this is one of the best features of facelets in enabling a
>cleaner separation of a designer's and a developer's work. I'm wondering
>whether it's possible to use jsfc to somehow replace hard-coded output
>with h:outputText:
>web designer produces:
><div align="right" class="errorText">
>Sample Text
>I (developer) would like to end up with :
><div align="right" class="errorText">
><h:outputText value="#{}" rendered="#{bean.anotherProperty}"/>
>But I still would like the designer to see *something* rendered when he
>views the .xhtml directly. Is that possible?
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