Re: [REVIEW] Proposed fix for issue 341

From: Ed Burns <>
Date: Wed, 21 Jun 2006 20:01:23 -0700

>>>>> On Tue, 20 Jun 2006 14:38:36 -0700, Ryan Lubke <Ryan.Lubke_at_Sun.COM> said:

RL> Adam Winer wrote:
>> Hrm, this still isn't right. You only put scope="row"
>> there to indicate that a header cell is a row header.
>> It shouldn't just be put blindly on the first TD in
>> each row.
RL> Hmm, that's how I'm reading:

RL> Similarly, the first column of every table should include information
RL> identifying information about each row in the table. Each of the cells
RL> in that first column are created by either <TH> or <TD> tags. Include
RL> the following attribute in these cells:

For this bug, I was thinking we would re-audit the A11Y for the table
with respect to the Web Content Accessibility Guidline #5.

Ryan, you can assign the bug to me if you like.


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