Re: It's about time we had a code name and a logo

From: Jacob Hookom <>
Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2006 23:10:16 -0500

Attached is a little logo i drew while waiting for to upload ;-)

Could be done in the Java logo and glassfish line style with color

Ryan Lubke wrote:
> Ryan Lubke wrote:
>> I'm not speaking for anyone else when I say this, but I've become
>> somewhat wearing
>> of our project being referred to as the "RI".
>> So, that having been said, I'm looking to see what others have for
>> ideas.
>> Please post em here!
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> Ok, so here is what has been offered up so far:
> - Shepherd
> - Legato
> - Presto
> Any one else care to chime in?
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Sent from my FrankenBerry Wireless Handheld

(image/gif attachment: shepherd.gif)