Ryan Lubke wrote:
> I think it's time we tried to wrap this up.
> I've included all of the submissions to date.
> Let's try to narrow this down to a list of three
> and then we can make a final vote.
> Musical Terms
> ----------------------
> Crescendo
> Fortissimo
> Arpeggio
> Capo
> Legato
> Presto
> Faces In Various Languages
> ----------------------
> Facce (it)
> Visages (fr)
> Cara (es)
> Gesichter (de)
> Celestial-themed
> -----------------------
> Sunshine
> Shepherd
> Professional
> ----------------------
> JSF Professional Series (this could be a suffix to a code name)
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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Along the lines of "music" terms - how about:
For those who don't know - they are guitar scale names....