Dennis Byrne wrote:
> Hi Stan,
> I don't see a problem with it, but the JEE spec reads "Only one method can be annotated with this annotation."
> I have another question as well concerning JSF 1.2 . There are four criteria for a @PostConstructable method. The spec if very clear as to what should happen if the method throws a runtime exception, but what happens if the method does not meet these criteria?
I'd suggest following the guidelines outlined in JSR 250. What happens
in the case you describe seems to be implementation specific. I
would think logging a warning detailing the problem with the annotated
method and not invoking it would be sufficient.
> Dennis Byrne
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Stan Silvert []
>> Sent: Saturday, June 24, 2006 08:30 AM
>> To:
>> Subject: RE: Section 5.4.1 of JSF 1.2 FR
>> It's my understanding that there can be more than one. Why should there
>> be a limit? Do you see a potential problem?
>> I know for sure that the method can be private. It says so in section
>> 5.2.3 of the JEE spec.
>> Stan Silvert
>> JBoss, a division of RedHat
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Dennis Byrne []
>>> Sent: Saturday, June 24, 2006 6:06 AM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: Section 5.4.1 of JSF 1.2 FR
>>> There is only one @PostConstruct and one @PreDestroy on a managed
>> bean,
>>> correct? The part reading "Methods on managed beans declared ... must
>> be
>>> called " should not be interpretted as allowing more than one of
>> these?
>>> If it is only one, and the user gives more than one, what happens?
>>> If it is more than one, what order?
>>> Also, "private" should be ignored in the part reading "The method may
>> be
>>> public, protected, private" ? Do we file bugs in the issue tracker on
>>> against things that are not in the code base?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Dennis Byrne
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