It's my understanding that there can be more than one. Why should there
be a limit? Do you see a potential problem?
I know for sure that the method can be private. It says so in section
5.2.3 of the JEE spec.
Stan Silvert
JBoss, a division of RedHat
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dennis Byrne []
> Sent: Saturday, June 24, 2006 6:06 AM
> To:
> Subject: Section 5.4.1 of JSF 1.2 FR
> There is only one @PostConstruct and one @PreDestroy on a managed
> correct? The part reading "Methods on managed beans declared ... must
> called " should not be interpretted as allowing more than one of
> If it is only one, and the user gives more than one, what happens?
> If it is more than one, what order?
> Also, "private" should be ignored in the part reading "The method may
> public, protected, private" ? Do we file bugs in the issue tracker on
> against things that are not in the code base?
> Thanks,
> Dennis Byrne
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