Re: Standalone version of JSF 1.2 RI

From: Ryan Lubke <Ryan.Lubke_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 15 May 2006 14:36:50 -0700

Tiaan Boonzaaier wrote:
> Hi
> We are currently working on a project using JSF for which we are using
> RI 1.1_01. I was wondering if there are any plans to release a
> standalone version of the 1.2 RI?
You can get JSF 1.2 with GlassFish (
We'll be releasing a stand alone version later this week or early next week.

> Regards
> *Tiaan Boonzaaier*
> Professional Services
> Postilion Payments Group - S1 Africa
> Tel (direct): +27 21 659 6003
> Tel (switchboard): +27 21 659 6000
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