SECTION: Modified Files
M jsf-api/doc/standard-html-renderkit-base.xml
M jsf-api/doc/standard-html-renderkit.xml
M jsf-api/src/javax/faces/component/UISelectMany.java
M jsf-api/src/javax/faces/component/UISelectOne.java
Index: jsf-api/doc/standard-html-renderkit-base.xml
RCS file: /cvs/javaserverfaces-sources/jsf-api/doc/standard-html-renderkit-base.xml,v
retrieving revision 1.25
diff -u -r1.25 standard-html-renderkit-base.xml
--- jsf-api/doc/standard-html-renderkit-base.xml 3 Feb 2006 21:49:18 -0000 1.25
+++ jsf-api/doc/standard-html-renderkit-base.xml 1 Mar 2006 19:47:23 -0000
@@ -1996,7 +1996,10 @@
render it as an attribute on the outer "table" element, the value of which
is the <code>clientId</code> of the component per the rules at the beginning
of this specification. The value of the current SelectItem is rendered as
- the value of the "value" attribute. If the value of the enclosing UISelectMany
+ the value of the "value" attribute. Coerce the value of the currently rendered
+ child to the type of the parent UISelectMany value using the Expression Language
+ coercion rules - <code>ExpressionFactory.coerceToType</code> before comparing
+ the values. If the value of the enclosing UISelectMany
matches the current value, render "checked" as the value of the
"checked" attribute. See the
<a href="javax.faces.SelectManyjavax.faces.Listbox.html#options">"Rendering
@@ -2119,7 +2122,11 @@
<code>Object []</code>, otherwise the component must be a
<code>UISelectOne</code> instance, call its
<code>getSubmittedValue()</code> method and create an <code>Object
- []</code> around the result. If the resultant array is non-null,
+ []</code> around the result. Determine the type of the resultant array
+ if the resultant array is non-null, otherwise the type is <code>String</code>.
+ Coerce the current item value to this type following the Expression
+ Language coercion rules - call <code>ExpressionFactory.coerceToType</code>.
+ If the resultant array is non-null,
we look in the array for a value that, when we pass the renderable
value to its <code>equals()</code> method, it returns
<code>true</code>, meaning the current element is selected. If
@@ -2356,6 +2363,9 @@
render it as an attribute on the outer "table" element, the value of which
is the <code>clientId</code> of the component per the rules at the
beginning of this specification.
+ Coerce the value of the currently rendered child to the type of the parent
+ UISelectOne value using the Expression Language coercion rules -
+ <code>ExpressionFactory.coerceToType</code> before comparing the values.
If the value of the currently rendered child is equal to
the value of the parent UISelectOne, render an appropriate HTML
boolean value indicating "checked" for the enclosing "input".
Index: jsf-api/doc/standard-html-renderkit.xml
RCS file: /cvs/javaserverfaces-sources/jsf-api/doc/standard-html-renderkit.xml,v
retrieving revision 1.107
diff -u -r1.107 standard-html-renderkit.xml
--- jsf-api/doc/standard-html-renderkit.xml 15 Feb 2006 18:38:58 -0000 1.107
+++ jsf-api/doc/standard-html-renderkit.xml 1 Mar 2006 19:47:45 -0000
@@ -23114,7 +23114,10 @@
render it as an attribute on the outer "table" element, the value of which
is the <code>clientId</code> of the component per the rules at the beginning
of this specification. The value of the current SelectItem is rendered as
- the value of the "value" attribute. If the value of the enclosing UISelectMany
+ the value of the "value" attribute. Coerce the value of the currently rendered
+ child to the type of the parent UISelectMany value using the Expression Language
+ coercion rules - <code>ExpressionFactory.coerceToType</code> before comparing
+ the values. If the value of the enclosing UISelectMany
matches the current value, render "checked" as the value of the
"checked" attribute. See the
<a href="javax.faces.SelectManyjavax.faces.Listbox.html#options">"Rendering
@@ -23598,7 +23601,11 @@
<code>Object []</code>, otherwise the component must be a
<code>UISelectOne</code> instance, call its
<code>getSubmittedValue()</code> method and create an <code>Object
- []</code> around the result. If the resultant array is non-null,
+ []</code> around the result. Determine the type of the resultant array
+ if the resultant array is non-null, otherwise the type is <code>String</code>.
+ Coerce the current item value to this type following the Expression
+ Language coercion rules - call <code>ExpressionFactory.coerceToType</code>.
+ If the resultant array is non-null,
we look in the array for a value that, when we pass the renderable
value to its <code>equals()</code> method, it returns
<code>true</code>, meaning the current element is selected. If
@@ -25196,6 +25203,9 @@
render it as an attribute on the outer "table" element, the value of which
is the <code>clientId</code> of the component per the rules at the
beginning of this specification.
+ Coerce the value of the currently rendered child to the type of the parent
+ UISelectOne value using the Expression Language coercion rules -
+ <code>ExpressionFactory.coerceToType</code> before comparing the values.
If the value of the currently rendered child is equal to
the value of the parent UISelectOne, render an appropriate HTML
boolean value indicating "checked" for the enclosing "input".
Index: jsf-api/src/javax/faces/component/UISelectMany.java
RCS file: /cvs/javaserverfaces-sources/jsf-api/src/javax/faces/component/UISelectMany.java,v
retrieving revision 1.57
diff -u -r1.57 UISelectMany.java
--- jsf-api/src/javax/faces/component/UISelectMany.java 5 Dec 2005 16:42:47 -0000 1.57
+++ jsf-api/src/javax/faces/component/UISelectMany.java 1 Mar 2006 19:47:46 -0000
@@ -419,7 +419,11 @@
* <p>In addition to the standard validation behavior inherited from
* {_at_link UIInput}, ensure that any specified values are equal to one of
- * the available options. If it is not, enqueue an error message
+ * the available options. Before comparing each option, coerce the
+ * option value type to the type of this component's value calling
+ * {_at_link javax.el.ExpressionFactory#coerceToType} passing the option value and
+ * <code>targetType</code>. If the specified value is not equal to any
+ * of the options, enqueue an error message
* and set the <code>valid</code> property to <code>false</code>.</p>
* @param context The {_at_link FacesContext} for the current request
Index: jsf-api/src/javax/faces/component/UISelectOne.java
RCS file: /cvs/javaserverfaces-sources/jsf-api/src/javax/faces/component/UISelectOne.java,v
retrieving revision 1.50
diff -u -r1.50 UISelectOne.java
--- jsf-api/src/javax/faces/component/UISelectOne.java 5 Dec 2005 16:42:47 -0000 1.50
+++ jsf-api/src/javax/faces/component/UISelectOne.java 1 Mar 2006 19:47:46 -0000
@@ -111,7 +111,11 @@
* <p>In addition to the standard validation behavior inherited from
* {_at_link UIInput}, ensure that any specified value is equal to one of
- * the available options. If it is not, enqueue an error message
+ * the available options. Before comparing each option, coerce the
+ * option value type to the type of this component's value calling
+ * {_at_link javax.el.ExpressionFactory#coerceToType} passing the option value and
+ * <code>targetType</code>. If the specified value is not equal to any
+ * of the options, enqueue an error message
* and set the <code>valid</code> property to <code>false</code>.</p>
* @param context The {_at_link FacesContext} for the current request