Re: [REVIEW] Log informational error message if an action listener throws an exception when being invoked

From: Adam Winer <>
Date: Thu, 23 Feb 2006 16:48:20 -0800

Yee-ouch. That's an issue with Ryan's patch too, I think.

-- Adam

Jacob Hookom wrote:
> I don't necessarily like that idea-- in Facelets, now you've just lost
> the ELException that knew where the error originated from in your page too.
> Adam Winer wrote:
>> For debugging, I'd rather have this block start with:
>> } catch (ELException ee) {
>> if (ee.getCause() instanceof RuntimeException {
>> throw ((RuntimeException) ee.getCause());
>> }
>> ... etc ...
>> }
>> ... because to my mind, if my action handler throws
>> a NullPointerException, I *want* to see the NullPointerException
>> coming right from my code.
>> -- Adam
>> Ryan Lubke wrote:
>>> Adam Winer wrote:
>>>> Shouldn't RuntimeExceptions thrown by a MethodExpression
>>>> simply be re-thrown?
>>> My guess is the fact that an ELException is caught is a relic from
>>> before
>>> ELException was made a RuntimeException.
>>> As an alternative to the previous change bundle or just rethrowing
>>> it, what do you think of doing something like this:
>>> ======================================================
>>> } catch (ELException ee) {
>>> ResourceBundle bundle = LOGGER.getResourceBundle();
>>> String summaryMessage =
>>> bundle.getString("user.informational.error_processing_page");
>>> String detailMessage = MessageFormat.format(
>>> bundle.getString(
>>> "severe.event.exception_invoking_processaction"),
>>> ee.getCause().getClass().getName(),
>>> methodExpression.getExpressionString(),
>>> actionEvent.getComponent().getId()
>>> );
>>> if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.SEVERE)) {
>>> LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, detailMessage, ee.getCause());
>>> }
>>> FacesMessage fMessage = new
>>> FacesMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR,
>>> summaryMessage,
>>> detailMessage);
>>> context.addMessage(actionEvent.getComponent().getClientId(context),
>>> fMessage); throw
>>> new AbortProcessingException(ee.getMessage(), ee.getCause());
>>> }
>>> ======================================================
>>> Might be nicer than having an exception appear in the browser, but
>>> perhaps we shouldn't try to do some much from the API itself?
>>>> -- Adam
>>>> Ed Burns wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, 22 Feb 2006 09:32:47 -0800, Ryan Lubke
>>>>>>>>>> <Ryan.Lubke_at_Sun.COM> said:
>>>>> RL> This change bundle addresses one issue[1] pointed out by Cay
>>>>> Horstmann, and
>>>>> RL> opens a whole new can of worms (that can being the localization
>>>>> of the API).
>>>>> RL> [1]
>>>>> RL> SECTION: Modified Files
>>>>> RL> ----------------------------
>>>>> RL> M build.xml
>>>>> RL> - include the in jsf-api.jar
>>>>> RL> M src/javax/faces/event/
>>>>> RL> - log an informational error message when the MethodExpression
>>>>> RL> throws an Exception. The AbortProcessing exception is caught
>>>>> RL> by UIViewRoot, but it ignores it to allow the processing of
>>>>> other
>>>>> RL> events.
>>>>> RL> A src/javax/faces/
>>>>> RL> - thus begins the long journey of localizing the API
>>>>> Very nice.
>>>>> r=edburns
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