Re: UIComponentTag.isValueReference(String) is _at_deprecated... what should I use?

From: Adam Winer <>
Date: Tue, 21 Feb 2006 11:04:11 -0800

Basically, the preferred pattern in EE 5 is to
just create the ValueExpression and use it as such
from there on out, literal or not, which saves your
code the need to store two instances and do
   if (_instance) != null)
    return _instance;
   else if (_expr != null)
     return _exprt.getValue(elContext);

... etc. Instead, just always go through the

-- Adam

Ken Paulsen wrote:
> Thanks Jacob,
> I was hoping I didn't have to create an expression to see if it needs to
> be an expression... but I guess it probably does approximately the same
> amount of "work" that an isValueReference(...) type of method would do
> (and if I do need to create it, it's already done).
> Thanks,
> Ken
> wrote:
>> There is ExpressionFactory.createValueExpression(....);
>> ValueExpression extends Expression
>> MethodExpression extends Expression
>> Expression.isLiteral() <--- there
>>> I was updating some 1.1 code to 1.2. The code takes a String which may
>>> or may not contain a ValueBinding (ValueExpression), if it does it
>>> creates a ValueBinding / ValueExpression. I call this method to
>>> determine if this is the case or not.
>>> Ken
>>> Ryan Lubke wrote:
>>>> Ken Paulsen wrote:
>>>>> In JSF 1.2, UIComponentTag.isValueReference(String) is @deprecated...
>>>>> what should I use? I didn't see anything in javax.el.* that jumped
>>>>> out as the right thing to use.
>>>> There is no direct replacement. I've spoken to the EL folks about
>>>> possibly adding something to the javax.el API, but it's
>>>> probably to late in the game to do so.
>>>> I'm curious, what's your use case?
>>>>> Ken
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