The attached image showed having a table header with a colspan set as a super header over a section of th's...
// vaguely like this
<th rowspan="2">full</th>
<th rowspan="2">full</th>
<th colspan="2">super header</th>
<th>sub heading</th>
<th>sub heading</th>
Something that would probably require structual modification to the rendered output. I would instead promote a different visual style or background on those fields to show that they are associated. I realize you lose the grouping title.
-- Jacob
>I think we'll need a little more info here. What exactly is the issue?
>彦周 wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I meet a problem in my current project, while I try to realize a
>> dataTable as my accessory show, it doesn't work anyway!
>> I wonder if JSF can fulfill my requirement?
>> Any one can help? Thank you!
>> --
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>> Joseph
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