>>>>> On Wed, 25 Jan 2006 15:31:33 -0800, Ryan Lubke <Ryan.Lubke_at_Sun.COM> said:
RL> Back port of issue 222, and partially of 125.
RL> See attached change bundle.
RL> Backport of issue 222 (
RL> Partial backport of issue 125.
RL> SECTION: Modified Files
RL> ----------------------------
RL> M jsf-api/src/javax/faces/component/UIComponentBase.java
RL> - use getChildCount() where possible to avoid
RL> creating List.
RL> - Still have the issue with getFacets() creating a new
RL> Map, but avoid creating an Iterator by checking Map
RL> size before iteration.
RL> - port updated implementation of getFacetsAndChildren()
RL> M jsf-api/src/javax/faces/render/Renderer.java
RL> - use getChildCount()
RL> M jsf-api/test/javax/faces/component/UIComponentBaseTestCase.java
RL> - add test case
RL> M jsf-ri/src/com/sun/faces/application/StateManagerImpl.java
RL> - use getFacetsAndChildren()
Looks good. r=edburns
| ed.burns_at_sun.com | {home: 407 869 9587, office: 408 884 9519 OR x31640}
| homepage: | http://purl.oclc.org/NET/edburns/
| aim: edburns0sunw | iim: ed.burns_at_sun.com