What lists? The enumeration lists that Ryan came up with? This email was sent before Ryan had come up with the (better) solution to original dependency issue on JEE 5.
>>>>>> On Fri, 13 Jan 2006 12:19:38 -0500, jacob_at_hookom.net said:
>JH> Maybe I'm confused-- but there was the injection manager, then there
>JH> was the PostConstruct/PreDestroy code within the bean
>JH> manager/ApplicationAssociate, maybe I've been looking at the wrong
>JH> version.
>JH> The 'handlePostConstruct' method... would simply involve a static
>JH> check for the existence of
>JH> Class.forName("javax.annotation.PostConstruct")
>Why bother with the reflection check when the lists will simply be empty
>in the case when there is no injection manager?
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