>>>>> On Tue, 18 Oct 2005 06:58:03 -0700, Ed Burns <ed.burns_at_sun.com> said:
>>>>> On Thu, 8 Sep 2005 07:22:10 -0700, Ed Burns <ed.burns_at_sun.com> said:
EB> Here are some suggestions for the module name:
EB> Ok, I've created a jsf-extensions module. One of the things I want to
EB> put there is an extraction of the thin layer on top of cactus that we
EB> built for our unit tests. Some see the absence of this as JSF's
EB> Achilles heel [1].
Ok, I have two things in jsf-extensions that are ready to publish. I'd
like to make a glassfish sub-project called jsf-extensions.
I tried creating the project using java.net's normal mechanisms, but the
process died between steps 1 and 2, leaving me in an inconsistent
Now I can't create a project called jsf-extensions. When I try to do
so, it says:
"Error: Unique Data defined. Value already exists
on fields: reference".
So, I have two requests.
1. Helen, can you please fix this so I can create jsf-extensions? I've
already entered in the data, can you perhaps just move it through?
2. Carla, can you please approve this as a glassfish subproject?
| ed.burns_at_sun.com | {home: 407 869 9587, office: 408 884 9519 OR x31640}
| homepage: | http://purl.oclc.org/NET/edburns/
| aim: edburns0sunw | iim: ed.burns_at_sun.com